
What happens if you take a bath with salt for 30 days?

Bath soak is good for skin, hair helps to lose weight, and relax after a busy day. Experts recommend taking them twice a week. What if you run an experiment and resort to a healing procedure every day for a month? Will the effect of the baths be stronger or is everything in moderation? One thing is for sure – you won’t recognize your skin if you take a 30-day course of salt baths. Take a look at what different types of soak are capable of: sea salt cleanses the skin from rashes, heals many skin diseases;

  • Epsom salt removes excess fluid, reduces puffiness, helps to lose weight;
  • Himalayan salt rejuvenates and makes the complexion more even, eliminates toxins, improves skin elasticity;
  • Epsom and Himalayan salt improve skin tone and firmness Salts can be used separately or mixed with each other for a comprehensive effect and to combat imperfections.
    • The main thing is to observe the regularity of bath procedures because baths have a cumulative effect. To get the most of your minerals, relax and see your skin transform, follow these expert guidelines:
    • Do not take too hot a bath. Try to keep the water temperature at 36-38 degrees and do not stay in the water for more than 20 minutes.
    • Do not take a relaxing bath in the morning. After half an hour in a warm bath, the only thing you really want is to sleep. It is unlikely that a day started with a relaxing bath will be productive. However, if this is a weekend morning, then why not?
    • Do not eat before the bathroom.
    • We recommend that you wait 2-3 hours after a hearty dinner, otherwise you risk getting an upset stomach. The fact is that salt and hot water increase the blood supply to organs and tissues. If at this moment the digestive process is in full swing, it can fail. do not spend more than 20 minutes in the bath.
    • Bathing time depends on the temperature of the water; doctors have clear recommendations on this matter.
    • You can stay in water up to 35 degrees for up to 20 minutes, in water up to 40 degrees – no more than five minutes. It is believed that longer bathing negatively affects the heart, blood vessels and dries the skin. take a bath no more than 2-3 times a week. This way you will not overdry the skin, expose blood vessels to danger, and, finally, a bath with salt will not become commonplace.
    • Drink abundantly before and after the bath. Pure or mineral water, herbal or green tea.
    • This is necessary to avoid dehydration and maintain water and salt balance.
    • Take a bath before bed.
    • Epsom, Crimean, sea, and Himalayan salt have different effects, but they all have something in common – they are all relaxing and soothing. Avoid planning important things after a bath, and try to keep you and the pillow close. observe the dosage of salt. Depending on the effect you want, the amount of salt in the water can be varied. You can read more about dosages and varieties of salt here. To make home spa treatments even more enjoyable, we have developed a mixture of salt and essential oils. They combine the benefits of natural salt and aromatherapy for the skin and body. Choose the salt that’s right for you based on your goal or problem.
    • Bath soak with orange and lemon oil “Slim Citrus” will give energy and tone to the skin, relieve muscle pain after sports.
    • Bath soak with lavender and sweet almond oil “Lavender&Eucalyptus” will relieve stress and anxiety, give peace of mind, and improve the quality of sleep. Salt effectively replaces many dietary supplements. While you are relaxing, it saturates the body with vitamins, strengthens the immune system. In addition, it cleanses toxins, takes care of the skin and hair: nourishes, moisturizes, softens.

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