
Choosing environmentally friendly products

When it comes to sustainable lifestyles, we usually think of nutrition and cosmetics. But pay attention: only household chemistry is directly named in the house. Washing powders, all kinds of detergents and cleaners, insect repellents and air fresheners – in every apartment there is a whole chemical laboratory.

The content of toxic substances in each specific product is normalized and (seemingly) should not have a serious impact on our health and ecosystem. This would be the case if we used one thing, for example, only window cleaners. But in our hands, we have a whole range of household products. We have been in contact with them daily and for years. And with us – children and even pets, whose body is much more sensitive to petrochemical products. The list of side effects is reminiscent of King’s latest literary thriller and includes diseases ranging from asthma to cancer.

  • Avoid:
  • Chlorine, organochlorine compounds;
  • Surfactants (surfactants);
  • Phosphates and phosphonates;
  • Hydrochloric acid;
  • Formaldehyde

A favourite trick of manufacturers is to write on the label that the “X” product cares for the skin of the hands. Phosphates will destroy the skin’s natural defences and alter biochemical and biophysical processes, even if half of the detergent bottle is shea butter.

Another, not at all funny fact about washing dishes: even 10 rinses under running hot water will not completely free the plate from chemical compounds. Surfactants enter the body and accumulate, causing chronic diseases (although this topic is complex, we promise to return to it). We accept diseases and complain about the inevitable aging of the body, without even suspecting that the acquired liver pathology or another allergy can be happily avoided.

Choosing environmentally friendly products is a crucial step towards well-being. No wonder they say: it would be healthy, the rest will follow. Household products made from natural ingredients, aphoristically called non-chemistry, are based on vegetable soap, soda, citric acid, organic vinegar, essential oils and other ingredients. And, of course, animal testing is out of the question.

In order not to run into a product that imitates environmental friendliness, pay attention to eco-labels. Organic certificate – strict limits for producers and constant control. For example, the European ICEA standard guarantees the absence of radioactive substances, alcohol, oil products, as well as synthetic dyes, fragrances and prohibited preservatives in the product. And – what is important – business ethics at all stages of product development and production.

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